
Meet the team

Dr Calida Neal (RN)


Bachelor of Science (Honours), PhD

Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Bachelor of Nursing

University of Southern Queensland, QLD, Australia

Neville Neal


Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)

Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia

Subject Majors: Community Development and Human Services

Areas of expertise:

Community development and engagement


Benita Morris


Diploma of Welfare

North Coast Institute of TAFE, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia

Areas of expertise:

Community development, women’s issues and family advocacy, volunteer support.

Andrea Duggan (RN)


Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)

University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

James Cook University, QLD, Australia

Current employment:

John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, NSW, Australia